Friday, December 10, 2010

How to Organize Your Files

Here is a website I found that shows you how to organize the bits and pieces of paper that you have regarding your ancestors. gives you a guide on how to organize your information so you can easily find what you're looking for without rummaging through piles of paper. It has a system for Ancestral Quest, Legacy Family Tree, MyTrees Online (haven't heard of that one) and Personal Ancestral File software. I would suggest looking through these guides just to see what kind of ideas there are to try, maybe something will appear interesting. I found the explanation MRINs AND RINs really interesting as I didn't know what they were before.

If you're like me and you don't have much papers to sort and pile (lucky or unlucky - you decide), then I wouldn't bother with this. I've not reached the stage where I have many same names where I get confused about who I'm looking for. Additionally, most of my work is on my computer which means I can search and find material quicker.

Things you'll need for this task:
* A genealogy software
* Binders/Folders
* Tabs
* Documents (sources etc)
* Time

Good luck to those trying to organize their work. Some day your children, grandchildren will appreciate your tidiness!

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