Thursday, May 28, 2009

Unrepresentative data?

Back to the discussion of censuses taking place in Pakistan and their validity, I came across a news article that claimed the past census of 1998 was seen to be flawed by certain members of the population. It seems if you're a fisherman of the Christian faith you're not likely to be on the census takers clipboard. Why is it that they're not bothering to do their job properly? Some people give political reasons as to why the government would want to 'exclude' certain religious minorities. But is that really fair?
If the census isn't taken properly, what's the use of it?

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Family history video

I found this really cute and simple video about starting your family tree and I thought I would share it:

Saturday, May 16, 2009


What event or person inspired you to start your genealogy research?

For me it was my Dad and Uncle. Both began the first attempts to create a family tree of our ancestors and of relatives that were living presently in Pakistan and England. I began thinking about the branches of our family tree that were hardly mentioned. This fascination of the past led me to my interest in history that wasnt written in history books but had shaped my life and who I was. This was a personal history that linked me with many people.